Thursday, September 30, 2010


RTI. What is RTI?
You have probably heard your child talk about RTI groups and you are wondering what they are talking about. Well, RTI stands for Response To Intervention. These are intervention groups where your child is working on a skill that is specific to their needs. Our RTI groupings are made up of 3 tiers.Tier 1 is in-class instruction. Tier 2 is small group, in class instruction. Tier 3 is small group, out of class instruction.We have time blocked off during our day that allows us to guarantee that each child is getting the needed about of individualized instruction..

This group is working on context clues.

This group is working on sight words with Miss Lawson.

This group is working on making words.
In room 201 we have RTI groups from 10:50-11:20. The children who are in Tier 3 and leave the classroom to meet with their small group. The rest of us are working in the classroom on skills that we need extra practice on or skills that we have mastered and we can work on extension activities,. Some of the kids work with me (Mrs. Snyder), some with Miss Lawson and some of them work on their own on specific assignments or projects. On Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday we are working on Reading in these groups. On Thursday and Friday we work on math. We are monitoring progress in these groups assessing each child to see if they are mastering the skill that we are working on.  So far we have had a great response and Miss Lawson and I are able to work on skills more specific to each child. If you ever have any questions about RTI or anything else we do in class, please let me know!!

Mrs. Snyder

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